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Ok, is there a BEST DJD remedy that seems to work better for everyone needing this out there before I go through the process of trial and error? Not looking to SAVE money but rather SPEND it wisely and efectivelly for my old timer! TIA


Adequan injections work about the best of anything. A bit pricey during the loading dose period but works really well. The injections work best when given IM rather than SQ in my opinion. Best of luck with your oldie but goodie!


Hi, Melody; tried Adequan on another goldie that I had...didnt do the job, pricey is not even funny this side of the pond where I am at, try over 450 Euros for the shots! This is why I posted this, I am also aware that some meds work different on some dogs than others. I gave my goldie her shots IM also. I was hoping that with the everyday advancement on things in todays world something was outhere different. Im not looking for a miracle neither!!! Well I guess that I am!!!! Thanks a ton for your comment.


I'm sorry to hear that the Adequan didn't work for your dog. I am fortunate that it has been a great help for my big guy. For me it's been well worth the huge investment because it has offered such relief. I hope you'll be able to find something to help your oldie that is affective and affordable! Best wishes....


Melody, whats up with stem cell treatment? I have an old vet that is a guru on this matter in the east coast of the US, he claims its the cats meauw! Not cheap whatsoever but results are excellent. Have you heard anything regarding this matter?


I have heard about it. The procedure is very expensive and not without risk. Surgery is required to harvest body fat from which cells are obtained. There are storage fees for freezing specimens to be used at a later date. Sounds wonderful but "Cha-Ching" $$$$$$ big bucks.


I know someone who did the very expensive stem cell procedure and it did absolutely nothing.


Tried it with an old boy with elbow problems. It did not work at all. I don't regret trying as I would do anything if I thought it could help. For some dogs, it is like a miracle.


I spoke to a well respected and very knowledgeable vet bone specialist with primary practice in Labs,in the UK and after a 1 hour conversation, Metacam combined with Ester C sounds like the way I am going to try. I certainly will keep a day by day log and share the findings with you all! Thanks so much for your input!


I was just going to suggest Metacam. It has worked wonders for the older dogs to give relief from arthritis due to HD and ED. It gives them a new spring in their step.
Hope it works for you.


We have a 10 yr old boy that has severe hip dysplasia,he showed no signs until about 6 mos ago. Our vet put him on Prednisolone 25mg a day for about 3 days and then every other day. He is a different dog! He had gotten so bad that he would stumble and fall going down the steps off our patio. Now he has a twinkle in his eyes, whats to play, no falling etc. I understand it is a steroid but quality of life is the important thing to us. Our vet discussed this with us and we opted for him to be pain free as long as he is with us. I understand it can have side affects (what med doesn't)and we could not bear to see him in so much pain. This was our best option.