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Pregnant girl

Having a dark discharge and licking herself still has 2 weeks to go. temp is 100.7 Never had this before and how I noticed she is laying on a white blanket.

Re: Pregnant girl

Dark discharge is not good - usually placental detachment. You need to get her to a vet ASAP.

Re: Pregnant girl

Am I safe to wait till first thing in the morning so I can get to my repro vet. instead the ER vet tonight

Re: Pregnant girl

JMO - go now pls.

Re: Pregnant girl

TY Hate the ER as they hate breeders here but don't want nothing to happy to my girl.

Re: Pregnant girl

Yikes - that's not a good place at all by the sounds of it. Hope your girl is doing well this a.m.!

Re: Pregnant girl

I did get a hold of my Vet. last night he said I did not have to take her to the ER (he knows all about how they are) of course he was out of town but he did say start her on a antibotic and call his office this morning. SHE had a peaceful night, me not! I clean her area up this morning and she has been out and I wiped her and so far no more discharge and temp the same. Have a call into my Repro Vet. now as she is not close so we will see what this morning brings as I will be at someones office today. I know I have lost a puppy but hope not all and want her to be safe and healthy that is what counts.

Re: Pregnant girl

I agree with you on trying to hold on the ER. They just don't care about puppies, and the only thing they'll keep asking is if you want her spayed.
One time, I ended up with a bill of $6000, and my girl almost died because of internal hemorrhage. They had to re-open and do blood transfusion, and I had to pay for all that!!!!
I hate Emergency clinics too when it comes to a girl having puppies.