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feeding bitches what when pregnant

My bitch is half way through her pregnancy. She is being fed PPlan Adult, 3 cups per day. I was told by my vet to increase gradually by adding 1/2 mid day. He also wants me to switch her to puppy food when she is 6 weeks along. I have seen so many posts on here to not give our girls puppy food while pregnant. If you read all the print on the back of the food bags it tells you to feed puppy food during pregnancy and lactation. I would not make my decision based on what a bag of dog food says. So what do most of you do? And if you don't feed puppy, why?

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

Personally, I differ from many on this board in this area. I feed puppy food from the day they go into season, if I plan on breeding. I get large 10+ healthy litters and rarely have any issues with coat,stamina, milk supply, etc.

Here is a posting from the AKC website about feeding your bitch:

quality feeding program for a reproducing bitch has two goals: first, to provide adequate nutrition so that her weight increases by 15 to 25 percent by the time of whelping; and second, to help her maintain optimal body weight after parturition, when she must produce sufficient quantities of milk and colostrum to support growth in the newborn pups until they are weaned.

To achieve these goals, you must feed adequate amounts of a good-quality, highly digestible, very palatable commercial growth-and-lactation diet. It should contain at least 29 percent protein, at least 17 percent dietary fat and less than 5 percent dietary fiber. This is measured based on dry-matter weight, not calories. These percentages should provide adequate calories and protein to support the tremendous demands of milk production and puppy growth.

The Consequences of Improper Feeding
If you do not feed the bitch properly, she is likely, by the time of whelping, to be thin and out of condition, with poor muscle tone or brittle fur, and these problems often worsen during lactation. In an attempt to meet her nutritional needs, she may increase her food intake, which can lead to uncontrollable diarrhea. As stated in the May column, pups born to a mother whose health is in this state are prone to a condition called "fading puppy syndrome," appearing weak and lethargic, crying frequently, eating and growing poorly, and lacking coordination. Many of them ultimately die. Improper feeding of the bitch can also cause problems with lactation, ranging from reduced milk production to total failure to produce milk. Astute breeders monitor for these signs and immediately adjust the feeding regimen by improving the quality of the food, increasing the amount fed or both.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

She needs to be on Performance food. The last two weeks increase her daily intake by one cup. She needs some extra protein at that time as well, one portion of a cooked egg , some raw chicken etc. She does not need Puppy Food, the calcium increase will hinder her delivery, it interferes with her normal production of calcium which determines the contractions during delivery. This is NOT my opinion , but the opinion of all Vet Specialist of every seminar on this subject that I have ever attended.
During delivery , I give one single size container of good quality yogurt after each puppy.
The advice on this board is at question most of the time, this is the current advice from the Veterinary Professionals that specialize in this subject.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

I don't use puppy food, either, but prefer a richer formula for my bitches while nursing.

But - if you look at some of the puppy formulas out there - they are not higher in calcium.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

Thank you for your responses.
How much is too much calcium? What are the percentages I should be looking for on the bag?
I know Purina makes a performance food, I think I will feed that.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

Has anyone got an opinion on feeding a lamb based food to a pregnant or nursing bitch?
I was told it was bad??

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

Break down should be at least 30 % protein and 20% fat.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

This article might answer your questions.

Re: feeding bitches what when pregnant

Laura thank you for the article. Very interesting info.
I bought Purina Pro Plan Performance. The protein/fat ratio is 30%, 20%. Since I already feed Purina, I feel good giving this food. I will gradually increase as she gets closer to whelping.