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Puppy with Staph inf. resistant to all antiobiotics

I have a puppy that has had a UTI for a month. The puppy is 3 1/2 month old. The vet had treated him for a couple of weeks with Clavmox. The vet just ran a culture and got the results back today, which said it was a Staph infection and it was resistant to all antibiotics? Have any of you out there had this and are they able to treat this. Vet is running a secondary test, which should have results on Weds.

Re: Puppy with Staph inf. resistant to all antiobiotics

Colloidal silver. I had a dog with parvo symptoms, a virus which is even worse because antibiotics won't work. I gave him colloidal silver and within 24 hours he was a different dog. I honestly thought I would lose him he was so sick. It's worth a try. Good luck with your puppy. (It has to be good colloidal silver and I would get 10 ppm. You can purchase it at any health food store.)

Re: Puppy with Staph inf. resistant to all antiobiotics

Put on cran pills to acidify the urine (there's a post from summer 2009 about cran pills/dosage/UTI's) and give probiotics, feed extra protein, all these will help the body's own immune system. Also, when a bug is resistant to antibiotics that does not always mean that the antibiotics are not killing some of the bacteria; sometimes just giving the antibiotic for a longer period of time will weaken it enough for the body's own resistance then to overcome the infection. Ie: some types of human sinus infections are only cleared with a minimum of 30 days of antibiotic. All the best for your pup.

Re: Puppy with Staph inf. resistant to all antiobiotics

One other thing, be sure to wash your hands and pup's bedding often. You sure don't want MRSA yourself!! If you have children, I would not let them near pup until this is cleared! A doctor recently told me Lysol is the best on Staph and other infections. Keep pups area scrupulously clean until Staph is gone.

Re: Puppy with Staph inf. resistant to all antiobiotics

MRSA (Methacillin Resistant Staphalococcus Aureus)is usually treated with IV Vancomycin in people.
You may want to talk with your vet about this.