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The Feb/March Spotlight dogs

Boy there are some "hunka hunka" boys up there!

Beverly - your seniors are just too sweet with their gray muzzles - seniors rule!

And Michael give that cute little Martha a kiss on the nose for me and tell her I miss her namesake.

Thanks to all the owners for putting your nice labs up for all of us to enjoy!

Valerie Jones - Bibsmom

Re: The Feb/March Spotlight dogs

So many lovely specimens of the breed to choose from! HMMMMMMMMMM??????? However will I choose??????

Re: The Feb/March Spotlight dogs

What a wonderful lineup!!

Re: The Feb/March Spotlight dogs

Hi guys

I just wanted to apologize for the typos on some of the Spotlight Ads this month. And there were more than a couple!!

I know it's not an excuse, but when I put the ads together, it was done on my desktop. Before I left for Coastal, I transfered it all over to my laptop.

To make matters worse, I had to upload while I was still on the road, and that was also done from the laptop. What a mess THAT turned out to be.

Again, I am sincerely sorry for any mistakes that were made, and (hopefully) everything is corrected now. I am still on the road and due home this afternoon. If your ad is still not correct, email me tonight and I will fix it asap.

I made most of the corrections yesterday, so if you are still seeing the old (incorrect) page, empty your cache, and hit CONTROL F5 and that should clear it for you.

Thank you all for your understanding, I've never had such a mess with the ads, and will make sure it doesn't happen in the future.

best regards,