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Pre mature labor

Has any one used "Terbutaline" for pre mature labor

Re: Pre mature labor

You can try to contact Myra Savant (lady with the repro seminar) she talks about the use of this med to slow or stop the contractions. Maybe your girl has a dead pup inside that is creating all this mess. Hopefully you can slow it down and give more time to the rest of the pups. Did your vet have an ultrasound to listen to the other pup's hearts? Good luck.

Re: Pre mature labor

Ulta sound done this am 5 or 6 pups and heart beats were strong and the pups were moving around. A big mess this morning when we got up looked like she had a pup but if she did it was not anywhere to be found. no discharge all day after that, then stated up again around 5 not bad this time and not seen any more for a couple hours but Vet, did say give this med. as she needs to make it till at least next monday for day 58. Was just wondering if any one had use this med. before "Terbutaline

Re: Pre mature labor

Good luck with your girl and this situation. Hope the meds can help stall things long enough for some viable puppies.

Please keep us posted on how things are going.

Re: Pre mature labor

Has any one used "Terbutaline" for pre mature labor

I know of 3 women that were given Terbutaline by pump for premature labour. It worked well for 2 of the 3.

I do not know of it used in dogs tho.


Technically, it is an asthmatic medication that can stop premature contractions and-or labour if caught in time. It does not always work, much depends on how far advanced labour and dilation is.

She might have broke the bag of water and-or had placental detachment from 1 pup that caused the mess you found. If she did, she is probably effaced and partially if not fully dilated. Under those circumstances she should see the vet ASAP for an examination and to begin medications if it's still possible. Good wishes to your girl and her pups. Post when you can and let us know if the medication helped her and the outcome.

Re: Pre mature labor

sent her a e-mail which was on one of her books i had but it was returned so wrong address I guess.

Re: Pre mature labor

Started the med. this morning as we had some discharge again after about 18 hours. She is breathing very hard off and on so guess we sit and wait to see what happens with the med. Way to early to save the puppies if she delivers before Monday. Thanks for all your help and support. This is the hard part of being a breeder. She want my girl to be safe.

Re: Pre mature labor

Here is link to her website

Re: Pre mature labor

Terrible-Terb..... Brings back memories.... I have been on it a few times. It makes you feel nauseated, HOT, waves of sweats, severe severe headaches. I kept my hands in pans filled with ice. It is a hard drug but it can be titrated up and down depending on how the mother is doing. It affects blood pressure as well.
Progesterone in oil IM injections have shown to reduce premature labor.
I did both and do believe they helped.
Also a antibiotic regimen is standard care in women with PROM (premature rupture of membranes)and fetal death in multiples. I believe your premature labor is coming from the dead pup inducing the uterus to expel the dead fetus.
I just had a bitch have a puppy die about 5 days before due date. It was starting to be reabsorbed when we xrayed. She alerted us with greenish discharge. US showed 3 lived pups with strong heart beats. We immediately started her on antibiotics to arrest any infection that may arise from an open cervix and fetal death. She was completely crate rested with no stress. We did deliver 3 normal healthy puppies on her due date.

Re: Pre mature labor

Your case sound just like what is going here. She has been on antibiotics now for 2 days. Just started the other med. this morning. If she can hold off till next monday we would be safe maybe Sunday even.I am sure hopeing she will. Thanks your story was a great help.

Re: Pre mature labor

Try this address for Myra:

She's great at answering email and gives excellent advice!

Good Luck!