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Surgical vs. Transcervical

I am getting ready to use frozen semen on my girl. It belongs to me and there are 31 inseminations worth.
I have not spoken with my repro vet yet about this topic, but wanted some advice from the "pros" on this forum.
He does both surgical and transcervical - which would you choose and why?
Thanks so much for the advice.

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

Have you asked him/her? I have never heard of any repro specialist recommending anything other than surgical with frozen semen.

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

We use the Transcervical method when we have frozen semen. I feel it's safer for the bitch, why do surgery when to don't have to.

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

Many vets don't know how to do transcervical and THAT is the reason they opt for surgery with frozen semen, at least that is what a very well known repro. specialist told me!!!

If your vet is comfortable with both, put your bitch first and forget the surgery

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

If the vet can do transcervical, I would opt for the transcervical. Last year I had a litter of 5 girls from doing a transcervical with frozen semen. Easier on the bitch, easier on the owner!


Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

Now we all know why it is important to do our research for the sake of our dogs Never underestimate the value of a 2nd opinion

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

What about litter size? I thought you get much smaller litters doing transcervical which could lead to a big disappointment if there are none of the gender you want to keep or not enough to choose from to get a good keeper. The whole point is being able to keep a good prospect so a larger litter is better no?

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

According to Hutch your chances of a larger litter are better with surgical. The vet also examins the uterus for signs of problems.

In my case, surgical, uterus in excellent condition, but I only got 3 pups.

If you want another opinion other than your vet pay Hutch for a phone consult. Its well worth the $40.

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

The only time I did a frozen breeding was done with a Trans-cervical and it resulted in 12 puppies, the largest litter by 1 my bitch ever had!!
I have done several transcervicals for semen from older dogs that it was a "it better work or else were sunk" and they were successful.
I've done one breeding with a surgical but that was to look at my girls uterus before we could do the breeding in case there was complications from a previous surgery, otherwise I would have gone with a regular AI.
Some vets use a fiber optic lense to help with the TC, the one I did with frozen wasn't.

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

In my limited experience, I did two surgicals and one transcervical with frozen semen.

One litter - surgical - 6 pups, 4 girls, 2 boys
One litter - Surgical - no pups
One litter - transcervical - 5 pups, 5 girls

I think it depends on your bitch and her ordinary size litters rather than the means of doing the implanting.


Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

I have a friend's bitch who recently had the surgical procedure. Her dog died a week later from complications, a beautiful young golden. Hard to predict the unknown. M

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

The bitch died after the surgical implant? What happened??

Re: Surgical vs. Transcervical

Yes, she was implanted on a Saturday and died the following Thursday. She was known to be healthy with clearances going into the surgery. I do not have the particulars, just told complications due to surgery.