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Westminster show

Anyone know some of the dogs who are going ? Love to watch on the video. Have not heard much this year.

Re: Westminster show

The catalogue will be posted on Monday morning, Feb 15th. Then you can see the entire list of entered dogs. Until then, no one will know all the dogs entered.

Re: Westminster show

I know BISS Ch Sher-Mi's Front Runner JH WC is going. Sherry Anderson's pretty yellow boy in the spot light adds this month.

Re: Westminster show

Best wishes to Noah and all the others going

Re: Westminster show

Why thank you! Hubby is going w/ me, as well as my ACVO and his SO. We plan on having a great time~ I'm looking very forward to meeting some breeders that I've only visited via email.

Noah doesn't have to fly(yea!). He's going ground w/ the #1 ridgeback, Vito, and his owner.

Re: Westminster show

Good Luck Sheri, we will be watching and cheering for you and all the others who will be attending,