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Teeth care

Care of teeth is definitely something which I need to change and improve on this year. What do all of you use, how often, etc.? Any/all advice is much appreciated! TIA

Re: Teeth care

I give raw marrow bones once every week or two. All my dogs have healthy teeth. Even the seniors. I have never brushed teeth on a dog.

Re: Teeth care

Giving bones will prematurely wear down your dogs teeth and a cracked tooth is alway a possibility. There are rubber toys that you put food in that helps to brush the teeth or brush them yourself.

Re: Teeth care

I have always given marrow bones.... for over 15 years; as often as once a day if I can keep them on hand - but at least 1-2 per week...... Knock on wood, no cracked teeth or any problems - and am surprised how often people comment on the condition of my dogs' teeth! I love them:)

Re: Teeth care

I have a 12 year old that has been eating raw shank (marrow) bones all her life,and her teath are not worn down and are very clean. All my gang get them.

They are good for them and help keep them out of trouble.

Re: Teeth care

just me
Giving bones will prematurely wear down your dogs teeth and a cracked tooth is alway a possibility. There are rubber toys that you put food in that helps to brush the teeth or brush them yourself.

Boy, do I disagree with you on this. My dogs eat raw bones all their lives, and their teeth are beautiful. Even my seniors have pearly whites, and no gum disease.

Re: Teeth care

Mine get raw turkey necks 3-4 times a month, and they have beautiful clean teeth.

Re: Teeth care

I brush teeth 3x a week (or more correct, every other day) but now that I am feeding raw and I am hoping to not have to do that so much!


Re: Teeth care

I use a Crest Spin brush on my dogs teeth.

Re: Teeth care

Raw bones and rawhide have always worked for us. My 2 seniors have great teeth. And you know a vet would just love to get us for a teeth cleaning, and it's never happened.

Bones are the way NATURE intended for our dogs to have nice teeth. While I am sure there are instances of them cracking a tooth, life is full of accidents and do we really want to isolate our dogs in a plastic bubble? I had a dog break a toe playing in the yard and break a nail taking a walk. Should I rule out those activities too?

Re: Teeth care

Can you guys be more specific on type (beef, etc.) bones, size, and how often? I don't know what is meant by a "raw bone" vs. a "marrow bone." Would sure like to go to this because when I spoke with a vet who is a dental specialist, he told me if you are going to brush teeth, you have to do it at a minimum four times a week or it won't do any good. He also said those Nylabones are potential tooth crackers.

Please let me know as I do not have time to brush 10 dogs' teeth every day

Also, where the heck do you get a turkey neck raw? Ick

Re: Teeth care

Can you guys be more specific on type (beef, etc.) bones, size, and how often? I don't know what is meant by a "raw bone" vs. a "marrow bone." Would sure like to go to this because when I spoke with a vet who is a dental specialist, he told me if you are going to brush teeth, you have to do it at a minimum four times a week or it won't do any good. He also said those Nylabones are potential tooth crackers.

Please let me know as I do not have time to brush 10 dogs' teeth every day

Also, where the heck do you get a turkey neck raw? Ick

A "raw" bone is one that is uncooked. A cooked bone could break and/or splinter, so raw is best. I typically give raw marrow bones once a week if not every other week.

Check with your local butcher or a co-op market for the raw turkey necks. You won't believe how happy the dogs will be with them!

Re: Teeth care

I go to the meat market, ask for a femur, they ask what kind of dog, cut the knuckles off, cut those in half, I put them in the freezer and give them to our dogs once a week. We've also started giving them antlers, they seem to like them.

Re: Teeth care

I buy my raw turkey necks fresh, in the fresh chicken aisle, at my local grocery store, (Lucky's). They are wrapped in packs of three, in the same type trays as chicken breasts, thighs etc... My dogs LOVE them.

Re: Teeth care

Wouldn't the raw turkey necks possibly splinter? I give my dogs raw beef marrow bones I buy at my grocery store in their meat section generally six in a package. Typical size for one is about two to two and a half inches wide and about one inch or a little more in depth. The Labs love them!

Re: Teeth care

No, raw turkey necks do not splinter, there are no hollow bones, and is mostly cartilage. Don't cook them, then they will splinter.