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Ear problems in old guy

I have a 9 year old boy thats never had ear problems in his life. About 6 months ago he got an infection, given antibiotics. It came back right after the meds ran out. The vet then gave him a diff. antibiotic and ear drops, zymox i believe? The infection came back. Different meds once again. We cannot get rid of this problem. Im to the point of trying home remedies. I have used the purple mixture to clean his ears. Can anyone recommend anything that i can try? my poor boy has been miserable to long.

Re: Ear problems in old guy

I would have the ear could be a pseudomonas infection......which is resistant to most antibiotics.

Re: Ear problems in old guy

When all else has failed, my vet make a solution of ear drops containing hydrocortisone and injectable baytril & conofite. Ask your vet about it.

Re: Ear problems in old guy

I've recently had very good luck with a product you can buy online called trizedta wash, its an ear wash. That and baytril drops cleared a pseudomonas infection that lasted months here. (in less than two weeks!)

Good luck with the old guy, hope he gets relief soon.