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computers printers

Si I don't get too overwhelmed by info I don't unstand ANYWAY, can you cmputer savy people out there in forun land reccomend a good quality one with fax and copy capabilities? (keeping in mind everyone is looking for a good deal!!!)


Re: computers printers

Okay, So I'm laughing at myself looking at all of the typos I just made on my post!! Those of you who know who I am GO AHEAD AND LAUGH

Basically it's like this, I need a decent printer in the $300-400 range. Any helpful pointers? (besides fixing all of my typos!)

Re: computers printers

I've used the HP printer/scanner/copier for the last few years and find it really easy to use & reliable. Good luck in your search!

Re: computers printers

I have an old HP that is wonderful, but my school has been buying new ones that are absolute junk. They are constantly needing repairs.

Re: computers printers

I've found that depending on what the problem is that needs fixing, it's often cheaper to buy a new one.

Re: computers printers

You need not spend $300-$400. You should get a good printer-3 in 1, for under $200 and sometimes under $100.

Dell has a special of $129 for refurbished 3in1 printers. I always use to buy HP, my last 2 were horrors & expensive. I started to buy Dell printers and I like them.

Watch the prices as you look here. Some are $149. They come with a full, not a starter ink cartridge. Their ink is cheaper to buy from Dell then HP ink is all over the place.

Here are 2 specials but every few days they change,

Happy printer shopping.