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Some heat questions...

Hello everybody :)
I am waiting for my female to come in. She was last time in heat in April 29th to May 19th 2009. People have told me that this is normal and I should just wait patiently for her to come in.
Does any one here has a similar experience where a bitch only comes in once a year? Have you had problems breeding them?

Re: Some heat questions...

I had one that was on a ten month cycle her whole life. It was normal for her.

Re: Some heat questions...

Oh ok, thank you :)

Re: Some heat questions...

Is she young? I had 2 that came in at 14 months and then not again until 2 1/2 yo or so. They both came in every 6 months after that.

Re: Some heat questions...

Yes she is young... will be 2 years old in a month or so. She came in for the first time at 13 1/2 months old and nothing since than.

Re: Some heat questions...

I have a bitch that is almost 4 and only came into season twice. Once when she was almost 2 and then waited another year. Now it has been another 10 months since she was bred and came in. She was successfully bred.

Re: Some heat questions...

Thanks for the answers!
She must have been listening to me because this morning I noticed a blood in her crate and I saw that her vulva is swollen so she is coming in... to funny! haha

Re: Some heat questions...

I currently have a bitch that cycles every 10 months. Her Great great great Grandmother cycled 8 months, 10 months, 8 months, 10 months, etc.

Re: Some heat questions...

It is actually pretty nice when they come in every 10 months. My older female came in every 5 months and sometimes every 4,5 months!!! I guess my younger one will come in every 10 months or so.