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Lab with persistent rash!

HELP!!! I am a newbie yellow lab(bitch) owner. She is 14 months old and has developed a rash, which we have been trying to eliminate for the past six months. This is what we have tried: 1. first round of antibiotics and prednisone - rash went away and then came back in 2 weeks. 2. second round of antibiotics and prednisone - rash went away and came back in one week 3. Fish oil and an immune booster, no success. 4. third round of antibiotics and prednisone, which we are tapering and redness is starting to come back. It starts with red membranes (ears, anus, inside ears and tummy and between hind legs.) The redness is itchy and bumps develop, some pustules. It turns dry/flaky and sometimes raw, especially where she is able to scratch and bite or rub. Recently she seems to be blowing her coat. Her bedding/crate, our house etc has not changed in anyway since she came to us. (no dryer sheets, baking soda unscented detergent. ) We are trying to eliminate a food allergy so she has been on a salmon based dog food for a month. ( no snacks or any other type of food allowed) Although I hate to keep using antibiotics and prednisone it seems to be the only thing that gives some reprieve. At times I have had to use benadryl because she rubs so hard and often that areas bleed (around her eyes and ears). She remains spirited, happy and well-behaved. No bad habits, or temperment changes. Has anyone had this experience or known of anyone who has? I have always owned dogs, but she is our first lab family member. We feel so bad watching her go through this. We are working with our vet and holistic pet store, but I wonder if anyone has further ideas/input? Please? I'm crying
...Signed: Deluxbury Lab Mom

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

Go to a dermatologist! You have spent mega $ probably already in the last several months with a general vet and holistic store you've stated.

Where you could have just went to one and learned what is ailing your poor baby. They are trained in skin issues.

Good luck and get going!

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

That shows you what I know! I did not realize there were dermatologists for dogs, too. I live south of Boston, so I will research dermatologists for dogs. Thank you.

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

There is a wonderful Veterinary Dermatologist in Westford Ma. Dr. Laurie Stewart Veterinary Dermatologist of New England 978-399-0100. 25 Carlisle Rd. Westford Ma. There is a great Vet Derm Dr. in Rhode Island Dr. Tiffany Tapp. I hope this helps. You'll get the answers and treatment protocal you've been looking for in short order.

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

I think I'd be finding a different vet. 6 months of her suffering as well as your pocket book is just plain wrong! You should've been referred long ago. Shame on that vet is what I say.

Far too many general vets just treat symptoms and cover them up, hence, the pred and constant pred, etc. That is all that happened all along here.

Please write back to let us know, she's on the mend finally once you get her properly diagnosed and proper treatment begun.

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

You can try Zyrtec, an over the counter antihistamine for allergies.

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

What about covering her with something that gets mange as well. Not typical ares for mange infection but it is something that hasn't been treated for yet - another rule out that should be looked at.

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

You might consider testing for MRSA - it's becoming much more common these days:

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

yes the TV 9 news had a intresting story on that today

Re: Lab with persistent rash!

One of my pups (same age) in NC just had surgery for some strange fungal infection called Zygomycosis. Apparently it required biopsy and special staining to Dx. Another dog (a golden) had just been dx'd at the same small clinic.
The recommendation
is to surgically remove and then treat with anti fungals
for 1-2 months which was done on Thurs.
So I too would suggest trying to get to the root of it and not just blindly treat w/ whatever.