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Bad ear infection

I have a 3 year old girl that just wont quit with ear infections, tried different vets and nothing. Black stuff comes out of her ears I clean them up and treat them and its back in a week. Any suggestions that may be of help??? TIA

Re: Bad ear infection

first I would stop feeding her and never feed her anything that has soy, corn, or wheat in it. You don't know if she has allergies but if she does these 3 are the usual suspects. I never feed soy, corn or wheat to my girl with the ear problems. I would do this just as a precaution.

Have you talked to your vet about this? you may not be entirely getting rid of the infection so when you stop treating it it is still there. you may need a round of antibiotics to knock out the infection (only your vet can tell you for sure.)

I have a girl with a bad ear infection right now. We are doing betadine ear flushes twice a week for 2 weeks and mometamax every day for 14 days then a recheck at the vets office in a month.

Good luck.

Re: Bad ear infection

Can you tell us if the food has made a difference with your girls and if so, what have you fed with better results?
Thanks so much

Re: Bad ear infection

We had a yellow girl who had the worst ears. Finally we treated her with antibiotics for 4 weeks straight. You need to be aggressive with your treatment. We switched her food to Dick Van Pattens Duck and Potatoe allergy formula. You also need to be very patient as you won't notice a change for about 3 months. Don't clean her ears with the purple solution. That will burn and hurt like heck. You can use a product called Otomax or Surolan. After having the culture done it was determined that she had yeast and yeast infections need aggressive treatments with antibiotics. Our girl has been symptom free for over a year now. I do routinely wipe her ears out with the purple solution. If we have been swimming I make sure her ears are dried really well. Good luck with your girl.

Re: Bad ear infection

I will switch her food right away as it has corn in it! TIA

Re: Bad ear infection

May I ask you what antibiotics you used? TIA

Re: Bad ear infection

You need a vet that has more experience with severe ear infections. I would think that you should do a culture; then flush the ears and treat accordingly. I have had pseudemonas (sp?) infections before that needed to be flushed and treated with external drops and internal antibiotics. This can take weeks to clear up. If you let this go too long, the eardrum can rupture and the infection can get behind the eardrum.

You may have allergies on your hands, but regardless, they need to be treated. I have to say - I get so tired of hearing that ears can be fixed with just changing food.

Re: Bad ear infection

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