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Mid-Atlantic= How's the weather?

It's seldom that my relatives in Maryland can brag about severe weather that would impress a Wisconsinite outside of hurricane season, but it sounds as if they've got a doozy of a storm going right now. How is everyone doing?

Re: Mid-Atlantic= How's the weather?

A friend and I were down at the Wildwood, NJ shows on Thursday and Friday. We were leaving Friday anyway, but with all the warning about the weather, we couldn't get out of town fast enough! We arrived home safely Friday afternoon but heard this morning that the Days Inn across the street from the Convention Center, where many people stayed, was without power and the the show had been cancelled for today. Hope all down there are coping! Since the area doesn't get much snow, I think they are going to be digging out for a while!

Any updates from there?

Re: Mid-Atlantic= How's the weather?

we live about 45 minutes from Wildwood and 15 minutes from Philly. We received 26 inches of snow. Never lost power though. The snow started on Friday night here about 7:00 PM and never stopped until Saturday at 3:00 PM.