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Fever in Female????

First my friend has her dog at the ER vet as i type this but with 2 car accident dogs, it will be a bit before they can see her.
My friend came home from work today and her year old female was panting hard, she took Mollys temp and it was 105, she took her to the vet right then, again they are waiting.
What could suddenly cause a temp in a young girl, fine this morning, and isnt 105 deadly or serious damage to them?
Im waiting and very worried about her.

Re: Fever in Female????

Is she intact? Did she have a heat cycle and now has pyometra?

Re: Fever in Female????

I was thinking the same thing

Re: Fever in Female????

She is intact, just turned a year old and no heat that i know of. My friend has owned labs for years and would have known id think.
I still havent heard back anything other than they are still waiting and they are coming out taking her temp and gave her a pill of some kind, Rimadyl id say but not certain.
Has anyone's dog had a temp that high before?

Re: Fever in Female????

Yes - 105 is high, but the normal dog temp is 101-102, so it's only 3 degrees higher than normal, equivalent to a human temp of 102. Obviously something is going on here that needs to be determined, but it's not as high as you might think.

Re: Fever in Female????

If it's not pyo it could be something like Lyme Disease. Do you live in an area where your dog has tick exposure? There may be a possibility of one or more of the tick borne diseases. What ever it is I hope she'll be OK. Please let us know how she's doing.

Re: Fever in Female????

Check for Bartonella if they don't come to a conclusion soon. My vet told me her own dog just recently died from this. It's very difficult to determine and the bloodwork has to be sent down south and it takes 2 weeks for an answer. It's yet another of the wonderful tick borne diseases we have to look forward to. Her dog got hold of a squirrel and it bit her. The squirrel was infected with the disease. We live in CNY. It takes specific antibiotics to kill it. I wish the best for your friend's dog.

Re: Fever in Female????

Why would they allow a Labrador to be given Rimadyl?? Most likely on an empty stomach at that.

Why not pull some blood and check that before giving her rugs. Or at least give her something less apt to cause issues like Metacam?

Re: Fever in Female????

If you can read the post said possibly rimadyl but the poster wasnt certain. Im sure the vet solved the problem by now.

Re: Fever in Female????

Lab lvr
Why would they allow a Labrador to be given Rimadyl?? Most likely on an empty stomach at that.

Why not pull some blood and check that before giving her rugs. Or at least give her something less apt to cause issues like Metacam?

I would think they gave her Rimadyl for the same reasons we take ibuprofen for a fever. To bring the fever down.

She probably had breakfast. I hope they asked.

1 dose of Rimadyl for a fever shouldn't be an issue. It's not like they put her on it daily.

Re: Fever in Female????

One of my girls (3.5 yrs old) had a 104.8, vomitting and off food.

Ultrasound sent us to the ER for exploratory surgery and it turned out to be a ruptured gallbladder.

Prayers that whatever this is with this pup it is not serious.

Please keep us posted.