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small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

We are considering putting in small garden pond with a filter and pump. We had one years ago and loved the look of the flowers and sound of the water. We will, of course, cover it with screen when we have puppies but I am wondering about possible problems with lepto or giardia. We hoped to have fish so no chlorine. Any advice, or experiences to relay?

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

We have had a small pond for years right by our front door and with very little training have kept all the dogs out of it. We moved the pond with us and at our old house we did go out one day and found a wandering Golden laying in it like it was an oasis, it was hot and I'm sure it looked like a good place to cool off.
I did have a JRT that I allowed to "swim with the fishes" she was the only one as she was small enough and it didn't seem to bother the fish, she delighted in watching the bubbles in the water. She never got sick from it. I couldn't put any fish in the small waterfall pool above though or she would "dispatch" them.

Our 3 puppies have never gone in, one "Eh Eh!!" and they got the message.

That said our large koi pond in the back is another story , we have it IN our deck so unless we are out there the dogs are kept out. We have had 2 fall in and they never did it again.

There haven't been any issues with parasites to the dogs from that, but your fish will be at risk from parasites from birds and from frogs.
Sitting by the pond watching the fish is one of the most relaxing things to do after a long day at work.

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

I have a koi pond with a waterfall on the side of our house. We have it fenced in so our dogs stay out. The dogs love to watch the fish eat...the smell of shrimp is mouth watering !! We have never had any problems with parasites or giaradia. I have pictures of our pond on my site....we love it !!

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

I have a small koi pond (3 feet deep) with a waterfall and no matter what I do, every year at least one of the dogs jumps into it. I have electrified it (ran through the current), covered it (took it down, too dangerous when you know a dog is going in anyway, fenced it (dug under) etc.

Interestingly it is never a puppy, it is always the older dogs, particular one black female I happen to have. They don't catch anything from it, parasites, fish, flowers, but since they can't actually climb out of it I consider it a danger.

This spring my husband asked if maybe I want to get rid of it since we are always worried about it. I might just do that although I have trained koi in it.


Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

trained koi?

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

Please don't get rid of the koi now that they are trained. Just send them off with Rusty to finish! Couldn't resist. LOL!!

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

Well they are trained to eat out of my hand. I put my hand in and they all swim over and nibble on my fingers (I call that kisses) then I feed them krill or koi food, one piece at a time. It is a very peaceful activity.

But I don't think that would do so well in the ring, they don't stack all that good!!


Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

Try liver. I'm sure they will stack well for that. I'd give it a shot, or should I say, gulp? If liver doesn't work, try a squeaky. Happy Superbowl!

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

Well they do have very solid toplines!


Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

I have a koi pond 3 1/2 deep on one end. Big koi. My old girl loves swimming in it and the fish just go to the deep end under the waterfall. It has a UV light on the filter we have never had anything pop up from it the other gorls just sit and watch the fish.

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

I'm sure Rusty could get them set up Bonnie...Ours tend to be mismarked..

Re: small garden pond & dogs--your experience?

Please don't get rid of the koi now that they are trained. Just send them off with Rusty to finish! Couldn't resist. LOL!!

I can't stop laughing. This is TFF Fishy.