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jerking puppy

what do you think is wrong with this puppy lab? My friend posted this vid..

Re: jerking puppy

Does he do this all the time? I would think that is a form of epilepsy. What about CNM?

Re: jerking puppy

what is CNM?

Re: jerking puppy

Looks to be a seizure form. Definitely something neurological. Process of elmination is needed to say this puppy boy has IE(idiopathic epilepsy)

CNM/EIC happen during exercise. They collapse and can't walk. They appear very drunk but are very aware. This looked like puppy boy was just lying down in his home? What are the frequencies of this activity with him? How many has he had? When did they start? How old is this puppy boy?

Go here to educate yourself on CNM/EIC

You can google to see youtube videos of CNM and EIC affected pups/dogs.

Re: jerking puppy

I am not going with epilepsy on this one, I would guess neurological. I would have this pup seen by a neurologist and I'm afraid the outcome may not be desirable.

This is why it's so important to buy from a reputable breeder who has knowledge and cares what they are breeding.

I'm sorry your friend has to go theough this.

Re: jerking puppy

This reminds me of a chorea type disorder - abnormal sporadic muscle movements - the most well known is of course Huntington's Chorea but there are many others and some of them are actually treatable (not curable but treatable)

I would certainly take this pup to an excellent neurologist - maybe one at a vet school to get the diagnosis made.

And instead of pointing fingers, this says nothing about the breeder as say chorea type disorders can show up at any age so a responsible breeder could have bred this pup and it never showed any symptoms until months later.


Re: jerking puppy


Be careful who you point your finger at. People don't do this intentionally or carelessly. You may just be next.

Re: jerking puppy

Dino, has the puppy done this since birth? How old is the puppy now? Can he stand? Can he walk and run? Does he twitch like this 24 hours a day, or only periodically? Does he twitch when he's sleeping, or only when awake?

Any possibility he's gotten into a poison, or been bitten or stung by something venomous? To me it looks like there are hives all over him???

We need more info.

Re: jerking puppy

thanks guys.. this is my firend's reply

my pup hasn't done this twitching since birth it only started 2 weeks after his last shot(5 in 1). He can stand, walk and run and he twitches 24hrs a day but you will only notice his twitching while he's on stationary position like sitting, standing, sleeping just like the one on the video and lastly he hasn't gotten into any poison nor been stung by something or anything venomous I don't know if cats are included because we also have cats at home and some of them doesn't like him because he is too much playful that is why sometimes they scratch him on his nose.

My question - is there such a specialist vet nuerologist?

Re: jerking puppy

Yes...there are Veterinary Neurologist.....try this link to find one in your area:

If you are close to Ithaca NY...I would go to Cornell......DR Sofia Cerda-Gonzalez is wonderful !!