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Pipe Major still standing stud?

Does anyone know if Pipe Major is still available for stud, and if so who to contact?

Re: Pipe Major still standing stud?

Does anyone know if Pipe Major is still available for stud, and if so who to contact?

I went to check the web-site about 2 weeks ago and it wasn't there. :-(

I hope everyone is in good health, Major and Ron. Someone should reply with contact information. There might only be frozen as he's getting up there in years.

Good luck finding them!

Re: Pipe Major still standing stud?

Major and Ron are both well and Major is producing lovely pups.Fresh or Fresh cholled
Contact Ron by email or phone or contact Cathy Culpert.
If you need to get in touch with them and don't get an answer you are welome to call me and I can get ahold of Ron since he lives 5 mins from me.
Sheila Norgren

Re: Pipe Major still standing stud?

I maintain Ron's site for him, just so no one thinks anything is wrong, usually the last few days of the month the site goes down due to over limit traffic allocation by the web host. It resets itself the first of every month. I host other sites on the same web host and no one comes near their traffic allocation, it's just amazing to me and sure say's a lot about Annie's dogs since she has been gone for over 2 1/2 years now.

I just spoke with Ron, Major is doing great, along with his Mom Piper. I also just had two litters out of Major from chilled semen.