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Toe nails

I am having a big problem cutting my boys nails. He fights any attempt to cut or dremel them and he is way to strong for me to manhandle. The vet can't even cut them without knocking him out to do it. He doesn't mind his feet/nails being touched and I can massage his feet forever and he loves it. All we have to do is think about the clippers and things change, FAST. He doesn't get aggressive but screams and struggles to the max. Using food, etc as positive reinforcement doesn't work as he is not a foodie and doesn't respond. I would love to be able to do his feet every week but at this point it is an impossibility. Any ideas would be great as I and the vets that I use could use some help here.

Re: Toe nails

I have a boy who absolutely hated having his nails clipped, bc I cut one way below the quick when he was a wee pup and he never forgot that. I couldn't use clippers and he despised the Dremel. I went to a beauty supply store and got some heavy duty emery boards (the Black Diamond ones that are suitable for artificial nails.) I began by only doing one nail, then a few days later I'd do another. As time went on, I was able to do more and more at once. He became so tolerant of it, that whenever I took out an emery board to do my own nails, he'd put his paw up on my lap as if to say, "My turn!"

After a while, I began using the Dremel in the same manner - one nail, wait a few days, do another and so on. It took a lot of patience and persistence, but he finally overcame his fear of the Dremel and I am able to use it regularly now.

Re: Toe nails

Ditto the heavy duty emery boards. I use them for my older boy. It used to be awful to use the clippers. I tried the emery board - one nail at a time, with some chicken every time I would file. It took a long time, but he's good now. He actually falls asleep when he gets his manicures!
He still doesn't like the dremel but I can use it on his back feet. Panic ensues when he sees the clippers, so between the dremel and the files, his nails are in good shape.
Good luck. Take your time.

Re: Toe nails

I lock myself in the bathroom with them one at a time. settle them down by sitting on the floor and just running over their legs and feet and nails with my hand, and other hand is holding clippers. It's a routine now for me. They line up on the other side of the door now.

I have one female that i have to get a bit firm with , and hold her down. once she stops resisting, every nail is easy to do- it's getting the first one done.
Usually, i bring my son in to rub their belly too...
Pup is learning the routine quick. My male : he hands me his paws too...and my other girl - she learned to get one cut, get a piece of cookie. do one more, get a piece of cookie. LOL....that's alot of cookies! but she doesn't fight me on it anymore either.

I think just setting yourself into a routine is the best way to do it...but then again..i'm not trying to handle your maybe yours are worse than mine at doing nails. GOOD LUCK. i've cut quicks in my time (black dogs=black nails) but soon forgotten about and all forgiven. at least i hope.

Re: Toe nails

Thanks for the tips. I will swing by ny beauty supply and pick up some emery boards for the dog and then make a quick stop at the wine store for me - I just might need it!

Re: Toe nails

i too have a male that had the same problem. I started using the clippers when he was 8 wks, never cut his quick, but each time i would try to clip his nails he would have to be held down, he would scream when i clipped the nail and no blood. it was ridiculous... I had to have my husband hold him (actually wrestle with him!!) while he would pull his foot away each time i would get clipper even close to the nail. we would end with 2 or 3 nails done after almost an hour with us sweating and he panting. and me feeling horrible and frustrated. so i too started using a heavy duty file and high value treats for short periods of time each day. we have now graduated to the dremel, still hates the front feet done, so i have to be happy with a couple each day. this has taken me well over a year. It takes patience and diligence, but it is so worth it. you would never know it is the same dog that fought so hard he would have hurt himself. i too, thought i would have to resort to sedation at the vet office and really didn't want to do that for life. there is a great video online. just put dremeling dogs nails into you tube. this helped. you too will get there with time, patience and lots of praise and high value treats... such as liver or steak if that is what it takes and only give those during these short daily sessions. good luck

Re: Toe nails

Thanks. I have dremelled most of my dogs but this boy is just a twit. Unfortunately he won't take treats to save his soul, hates liver and venison is pure poison.
Buffalo, I don't think so, same for duck, prime rib, etc. Baiting in the show ring or training classes is the same thing o Not going to do it, no way no how!
Someone must of snuck him into the backyard as he CAN'T be one of my labs.

Re: Toe nails

we put our dogs on the grooming table. They may not like it much but having their heads held firmly helps stop the nonsense. We clip and dremel and then praise and give a good treat, like a cheese stick or hot dog. Can do all 5 adults in about 15 min.