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over bite on puppy

I have a 7 week old male pup that as of 4 weeks the bite (gums looked good) they have really gone off these last two weeks. Almost 1/2 inch difference. He is sold to pet family and I have told them about the over bite, but it seems to have gotten worse and I am worried. Of course he eats just fine, anything the new family would have to worry about?

Re: over bite on puppy

He will probably need to have the lower canines snipped so that his lower jaw can grow more easily and possibly correct itself or at least not be as severe. You should do this before he leaves your property. Explain this to his new family before you sell him and make sure they and their vet understand what's been done and why.

Re: over bite on puppy

I have had two puppies with parrot mouths in two different litters. Both were pretty overshot with the lower teeth coming in well behind the upper teeth and the lower canines sat into holes in the upper palate. There is never any blood or "cuts" - the teeth form a hole and they sit comfortably in just like anything else that develops. Look at your puppies upper palate and you will see the indentations. There is absolutely NO NEED TO PULL OR CLIP LOWER CANINES! My vet is adamant about that and can't believe what others will do and recommend. My puppies are now 7 years old and 2 years old and are completely normal dogs never needing anything. Both are in hunting homes as well.

Re: over bite on puppy

Well Bucky, I sure disagree with your vet.
If you clip the bottom puppy canines level with the other lower teeth, then there is a very good chance the adult teeth and bite will come in correctly.
Personally, I would never have the teeth pulled, but clipping a baby puppy's canines is totally painless. Why wouldn't you give a puppy a chance at having a correct bite when they are an adult? Yes, they can function with an overbite, but why should they if you can correct it easily and painlessly?