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Ingen Results yet??

Just curious if anyone out there has gotten results recently with Ingen or know of anyone who has? Mine are still waiting to be processed. No replies to my emails that I have sent for a month or more.

Re: Ingen Results yet??

not here.....sent mine in August........have pretty much given up

Re: Ingen Results yet??

Same here. I paid for 5 tests. I am doing optigen on them within the next 2 weeks. I cant wait any longer. I have 2 clear x carrier puppies getting older and have to know their status soon as I will place them if carriers as I have several already.

Re: Ingen Results yet??

And they have the nerve to offer new tests at a discounted rate when they haven't finished tests from August? I was going to use them, I would rather pay more than worry if the test will ever be done.

Don't think Rick isn't creeping around boards to see what's being said. He IS!

Re: Ingen Results yet??

I sent my tests in Aug as well. Same story as everyone else, no results. After spamming Rick and Sherrill over several weeks for the results, I received a new envelope in the mail. In the envelope were new collection kits and a letter that stated my results were undetermined.

I went ahead and recollected; however will never trust the results. Let’s face it they have burnt every bridge possible. Once a fool, always a fool.

I suggest a continual follow-up until you get an answer.

Re: Ingen Results yet??

Still waiting on Aug results here as well. New sample kit has been sent to me but I'm torn if I even trust the results as this point. I only have 1 test and I may just eat the cost and retest with Optigen who I know I can trust!

Re: Ingen Results yet??

Since you've already paid for the Ingen test, it would be interesting to compare the results to your Optigen results.

Re: Ingen Results yet??

For any one wanting current INGEN info....Take a look at Ingen's facebook page. You may think twice about sending in test!!

Re: Ingen Results yet??

Optigen may be more expensive, but sometimes there is a reason for setting prices at certain levels. Providing high quality service in a timely manner tends to have a higher cost than providing low quality service.