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Infected breast

Today i was playing with my black girl Jenna and while rubbing her tummy, I found that one of her back breast was swollen i squeezed it gently and a light green smelly infection came out, quite alot of it. She may be expecting, if so about 3 weeks. I called my vet to take her in, he told me it was just infected and for me to come in and pick up amoxicillin and give her. I did pick it up but still somewhat uneasy since he didnt see her. Her breast looks fine, no open wounds or anything around it. Just the yuck coming out. Anyone ever have this and what was the outcome?

Re: Infected breast

had it with a girl who was not expecting-she was put on anti biotics for 2 weeks and it cleared up. I was more concerned as she developed this without a pregnancy or after a heat cycle.