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UPDATE - TVD (Heart Clearance with NO PROOF)

Finally heard back from the vet today about my necropsy on
my girl.

All 3 of my vets stayed after office hours on monday to do the
necropsy, witch I appreciate. They all took a special in tress in
my girl and her condition.

Under the circumstances I had to make
a choice to go ahead and put her down do to her condition as I
did not want her to suffer any longer. I would have loved to have taken
her to the university for a ECHO but it just would not have been possible do
to the weather conditions.

This is why I had made the choice to let the vets office do the necropsy
as it was my only choice at the time.

As I said the vet called me this morning to let me know what the findings
were. She said that it was not TVD and that they had found a huge tumor
on the right side of her heart that was causing the heart to enlarge and
the chest to fill up with all the fluid. This was a huge relief!

I knew when I put this post up that there would be a lot of different
opinions on the subject.

First off I would like to say that I spend hours on end researching my
pedigree's and there is no one more concerned about health then I am.
I am doing all of the new DNA testing along with all the normal stuff and

As far as blaming the stud dog! I was not. I was only stating that I was
told that this dog had a heart clearance (ECHO) and this is why I bred
to him, only to find later that there was no proof. One can only suspect
things when they are told something that is not true. This dog has changed
hands 3 times in the last 3 years and is still being advertised as heart ECHO
clear when I no for a fact that there is no proof.

You try to trust your fellow breeders when you are told something, but
after being burnt so many times it is getting harder to trust! I will never
breed to a dog again without all hard copy's of clearances up front, and
will hope that everyone else will do the same.

Heart Broken!

Re: UPDATE - TVD (Heart Clearance with NO PROOF)

I am so sorry for your loss!! Hugs from here.

Re: UPDATE - TVD (Heart Clearance with NO PROOF)

Again, my thoughts and prayers are with after the loss of your young girl. I hope the information from your vets brings you some peace- just knowing what the problem was. Thanks again for the follow-up.

Re: UPDATE - TVD (Heart Clearance with NO PROOF)

Just know that a tumor on the heart is generally NOT hereditary, and is certainly not TVD. Most likely it is: cancer, usually hemangiosarcoma, or may be an enlarged heart due to cardiomyopathy, or pulmonary problems, or advanced heartworm disease. Hemangiosarcoma does target the heart, as well as the abdominal organs.
I sympathise with your situation, you are brave to put it out there on this forum and just keep your options open!
I am so sorry for your loss...