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French bulldog sick

This is for a friend of mine who has a French Bulldog. I told her I would see if someone on here could help. She sent these emails that I am posting.

I've been having a real hard time with Onyx lately. He's really sick. Can you please tell me about any illnesses that you are aware of in Frenchies or within his bloodline. He's now got a fever, today's the 3rd day. He hasn't eaten in 2 days. He doesn't get up, walk around, jump up, or even lift his head for anything. The leash, the car, his food, people, treats, toys ... nothing excites him or motivates him to move. The vet has taken blood tests, urine tests, xrays and can't find anything wrong. I am scared out of my mind. He literally is acting like he's dying and no one can figure out what's wrong with him. Yesterday at the vet they injected him with the fluids under his skin, gave him antibiotics and anti-fever meds. Today no changes. He's also in the last 2 weeks started peeing all over the house. And when he does, it's as if he doesn't even realize he's going pee. It just pours out of him.

Email 2

I took Onyx in on Saturday because he would not move or respond to me at all. They injected him with a fever reducer, anti-inflammatory, and fluids under the skin. One ear was swollen/red so they administered antibiotics in that ear. Sunday he wasn't much better. Still urinating without realization all over the house, still running a fever, and non-responsive. And additionally, developed multiple bloody/oozing sores all over his lips and chin. So, I took Onyx in for more tests/bloodwork Monday.

I actually just finished talking to my vet. The vet says all his bloodwork, urine tests, and fecal tests returned "normal". They are completely stumped about what is causing all of these problems. I had him tested for tick disease, and that returned normal as well. So basically, nobody knows. The vet will be talking to a specialist on Thursday to try to help figure this out.

Meanwhile, I've put him on a plain chicken and rice diet to help settle his stomach, and solidify his waste. It seems to have helped him a lot because he's not having as many of the urination/diareah problems, and his vomiting has reduced. It looks like his fever has gone away, and more of his personality is returning. I am putting Neosporin on his facial sores, and am hoping they are either a reaction to his medications, or perhaps fever-blisters of some kind.

If the blisters do not clear up in a week I will take him in to have them biopsied. I will also be researching the best food to switch him to after his chicken and rice week is over. I'll need a good, healthy, organic one for sensitive stomachs. If you have any suggestions I'm open.

Not sure how old he is but I will find out.

Re: French bulldog sick

Could it be herpes?

Re: French bulldog sick

Sounds like he might have juvenile cellulitis (puppy strangles). If so, he'll need prednisone and antibiotics.

Re: French bulldog sick

what about cushings?
how old is the dog?

Re: French bulldog sick

I'm thinking the "blisters" are a BIG key here (not sure to what, but significant nonetheless).

Re: French bulldog sick

He is 10 months old. I am going to ask her is he has had any shots or anything he could have a reaction to???

Re: French bulldog sick

Has he been tested for Addison's disease?

Re: French bulldog sick

I too have a Frenchie and from time to time he has had those little pustules on his muzzle and face. I believe they are allergy related and Bruce's resolved on their own. Frenchies are very sensitive little creatures. Right now my Frenchie is doing great on Canidae All Life Stages dry food. I have also fed him Bravo raw diet which he also did well on. There are a number of prepared raw foods available in frozen tubes and and tubs that Frenchies do very well on.

I hope your friend's little guy feels well soon. There are many Frenchie internet groups that may be able to help your friend if the problem continues. Also, as we all always say, check with your breeder. Breeders know what lurks in their pedigrees.

Re: French bulldog sick

Thank you very much. The emails are from the breeder who is my friend. Someone got the puppy from her. I told her about this forum. So between both their vets and the forwarding of emails and responses we are just hoping to find out something.