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Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

My vet has turned me onto Prozyme and I've heard that Pumpkin works. This is a truly disgusting habit that is making me crazy. I would love to hear from people who have actually corrected this behavior.
Could it be because they are frozen?? She never did this in the fall...

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

If you do a search, you'll find this has been discussed before and might get some ideas to try. Good luck!

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

I have three poop eaters in the winter and only one in the summer......some like it frozen !! The only thing that works...... is pick it up as soon as they go....without delay !!

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Yuppers & no kisses either!

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

This topic never dies. And there is no easy answer. You can try everything out there and in the end you will find they do not really work. I know it is disgusting, but you have to scoop instantly or learn to look the other way.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Mine don't do this, but I have a friend who cured her dog (a Boxer) by adding spinach to her diet. Also just pick it up ASAP.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Someone mentioned figs when i posted not long ago about it. I have a youngster starting to do it now- and the others seem to pick up on it when they are frozen crunchie treats. It is gross and i have peanut butter on hand for it - a nice spoonful after helps take the breath away LOL.

I tried the figs..and went 3 weeks on the figs with them. 2 each : morning and night right after their meals. NOONE was eating the poops! It really did work for us. When i stopped the figs (figure 21 days to break the habit) - they all started eating the poop again!

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Is there any harm in continuing to feed the figs? Is there too much sugar in them? I might consider trying this.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

One of my bitches eats poo too. It drives me crazy and I can't stand it. If I am just letting her out in the yard then I have to have the poo picked up or she will be cleaning it up for me. I also walk my dogs daily and she likes to snack along the way. What I started to do while walking her is jerk on the leash and tell her no. It is helping and she does not pick it up as often. When she sneaks and gets a chunk in her mouth *YUK* I tell her to drop it and believe it or not she does. Maybe there is some hope after all. So maybe you can try to correct your dog and they might learn.

I have not bred her yet and when I think about breeding her and the possibility of keeping one of her pups, I am afraid that they might eat poo too and I have second thoughts.

Good luck.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

pick it up.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

We bred a poop eater and her offspring weren't poop eaters so I don't think it's genetic. Your poop eater will probably make a very good mother.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

I have one poop eater girl - she listens when I say 'leave it' but I'm always out with the dogs picking it up before she does. Actually she is an excellent mother - whelping box was spotless - she used to wake up from a dead sleep when her pups pooped to clean after them.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

My neighbor stopped it with a shock collar.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

I solved the problem here with two steps:

1. Don't look. If I don't see it, it never happened.
2. No doggy kisses. Just in case.

Philosophical apologies:

"If a dog eats poop in the yard and no one is around to see it, is it still disgusting?"

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!


Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Im with you denial is the best solution when you cant be there to pick up every pile immediately.

my poo eating girls get a quality diet and look great. I worm them every 2 months to be sure their habit does not hurt them health wise.
Yet they still eat poo..........

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

I would be willing to try feeding the figs. My only question would be since raisins are toxic to dogs, could figs also be harmful.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

Many will remember the year the Potomac was awash with fig newtons. It was a lot of fun at the time, but the fig fad seems to have passed.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

I have a poop eater girl... but I think her behavior is learned since she was only a young puppy when my older female had puppies and she watched her eat after her puppies so she started to do the same! I pick up every day after them and she never eats poop when I am close. She also never eats her own poop only the one after my older female. I was thinking if this has something to do with the fact that my older one is the alfa female?

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

My dogs would never touch the stuff throughout the spring, summer, or fall but if I miss picking up just one in the winter they will find it! They just love their poop-cicles! Just part of owning Labs I guess. The worst of it is when someone tries to sneak one back into the house and I don't see it in their mouth until they are lying at my feet... chewing something! Ugh.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

No, the worst is when they throw it back up, in the house. Now that is really, really gross!!!

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

...and, or burp in your face.

Re: Poop Eater Solutions---Please Help!

You are too funny!