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Chairs at Westminster?

I am going to watch the breed on Tuesday. Does anyone know if we are allowed to bring our own chairs or if there are chairs around the breed ring? TIA! :)

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

When I went, there was no room ring side for chairs), but there is seating up in the stadium seats.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

There are a few folding chairs around, but you cannot set up your own chair. (And they don't let you sit on the floor, either)

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

Are the breed rings in a stadium setting? I do have a ticket for a seat, but I thought it was in the main ring where the groups and BIS are judged.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

The place is crammed full. I would be AMAZED if they let you bring in a chair.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

you are not allowed to bring any chairs

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

If you have a general admission seat, you're supposed to sit in the General Admission section. Go to where the Labs are but General Admission. You can ask, show them your ticket and they will direct you.

If you have an assigned seat no. you sit in that.

The chairs ringside are few and far between, usually used for handicapped or special individuals.

As others already said, you can't bring your own chair in. Do be prepared for a crowded show, benching area and rings. Dogs do line up outside the ring, some large breeds take up alot of room outside the ring waiting for the next class.

Football player padding would help you because people do push to get where they're going unfortunately.

Stay in the benching area if there's nothing showing that you're interested in at the time and talk to the labby breeders. There is also an area where the pro-handlers *groom* the dogs prior. You'll see the grooming tables.

I hope you have a nice time. It sounds like your 1st. Westminster.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

around three sides of the judging ring on the floor of the Garden. One side is left open so that exhibitors may line up there before entering the ring.

That being said, people wait to sit in those chairs behind the people already sitting in them. So unless someone gets up and leaves their seat, you will not be able to sit ringside. Keep in mind that exhibitors who must be there the entire day because it is a "benched" show (dogs must be in their assigned areas when not being shown}, usually do get most of the chairs because they are there even before the show starts (read extremely early).

Also people try to save seats for others, which is not permitted. This should be reported to one of the stewards stationed around the various rings.

Considering the Labs start late this year, if you are willing to show up an hour or so earlier, and can stand behind someone who is already sitting, you might get a chair when they leave after their breed's judging is done. If not, standing is not that bad.

Hopes that gives a clearer picture of the process.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

Thanks for the advice! It is my first Westminster!

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

It's like the Potomac. Get a friend to put cones on the chairs today.

Re: Chairs at Westminster?

Just not room. Plenty of close seat if you go on time. Better view up a little higher anyway. Have fun.