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retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

Can anyone give opinions on the timing of neutering a boy with an un-descended testicle?
This is a puppy I sold who is now about 5 months old and one testicle still has not dropped.
Their vet is telling them that they need to neuter by 6 months because not doing so will increase risk of cancer due to the retained testicle.
Is this right? It doesn't sound so accurate and almost seems like maybe the vet is using it as an excuse to get in there and neuter early even though my contract states that it becomes void for all health defects if neutered prior to 12 months.
Of course I want to do what's in the best interest of the puppy, but I have no experience with this issue and the risks involved, if any. If this is in fact the case, I would have no issues with neutering this boy at 6 months.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

Years ago I bred a golden with SAS and a retained testicle.

He stayed with us and we always debated the question of putting the stress of the nueter surgery on his heart against the risk of cancer if we left him intact.

Eventually, I came upon the vet who is now my repo guy and his spin on the whole debate was that the risk of cancer in the undecended testicle was very very slim.

At nine years old, still intact, Moosie exceeded the life span we expected of him when we lost him to hemangiosarcoma just like his mother.

I would not rush to nueter based on the slim threat that a dog that young would be at risk of cancer. I think odds are in his favor if you give him some time to mature.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

I've had this happen over the years with a couple of boys that went to pet homes. Never have we had to neuter early. My vet concurs as other vets do it makes no difference because the dog is going to be neutered (hopefully) at 12-18 months old. Clients had the procedure done as it was supposed to be and it was never a problem. I would try educating them more on why we actually wait to neuter and spay and explain this wont make a difference.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

Same here. Had one go to a home where he was not neutered until he was 10 years old. Gotta wonder why these vet try to coerce people.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

As a breeder, did you know that this puppy had an undescended testicle when he left with his new owners?

For other posters, is it true that this could be a genetic thing?

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

I had a pup in a litter that went to a pet home.

Some vets say its easier to find the testicle if neutering at 6 months.

My vet said doing the neuter at 6 months or 18 months (18 was preferred by my vet and I for proper growth) would not make a difference.

Owner neutered at 18 months and the vet found the undescended testicle with no problem.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

UM? Yes. I did. So did the buyer.
Why the attitude?
My vet also knew since the litter was examined by her just in case you wondered.

As a breeder, did you know that this puppy had an undescended testicle when he left with his new owners?

For other posters, is it true that this could be a genetic thing?

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

It is always stated that it is not advisable to breed a dog with an undescended testicle because it is hereditary. What I want to know is, how do they know it is hereditary if these boys are never used?

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

Testicles can drop as late as 6 months.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

I am sorry, I wasn't giving you attitude at all. I was just simply asking. I am sorry that you are on such a defense.

Re: retained testicle - early neuter? good/bad?

I recently spoke to a Golden owner who had purchased a pet years ago with an undescended testicle. Around 4 months of age, the puppy exhibited signs of a blockage in the intestine. X-rays were used and really did not show what the problem was. The vet did exploratory surgery to find out that the undescended testicle had wrapped itself around the intestine and was causing strangulation of the intestine. The vet removed that testicle during surgery and later removed the other testice at a more appropriate date.

The joke is that her male was so manly that he had to be neutered twice. The vet never had seen it before or since. Strange things do happen.