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Joan Clarke's family

Many of you knew Joan Clarke of Trelawny Labradors. She started in labradors way back when and I met her when she had her first champion, Ch. Heibeau's Royal Punch and I had my first labrador, Ch. Walden's Blackbird CD.
Joan and Cliff Clarke were loved by the labrador community as were their three sons, Win, Mike, and Skip (clifford jr) and later on when the boys married, Karen Clarke, wife of Win, and Linda Clarke, wife of Cliff, were Joan's constant companions at shows and for whelpings and they were the most devoted and loving family I had ever seen.
Anyway, years passed and Joan became diabetic and lost her vision which caused her great sadness and depression. Despite Linda's begging to have Joan live with them, Joan stayed in her own house with one faithful labrador and because she couldn't see and was a chain smoker, the house burned to the ground returning Joan and the dog to ashes. Needless to say, the boys and their wives were devastated and vowed to keep Trelawny going. Unfortunately, that was not to be. Shortly after Joan's death, her oldest son had a heart attack while driving, crashed into a pole, and was killed instantly. Karen, his wife, became anorexic and seriously depressed and died shortly afterwards leaving the other brothers to cope. Linda and Cliff were most involved with the dogs and breeding "for Joan" but things didn't work out and they were in the process of divorcing when tragedy struck again, this time, it was Linda who was killed in a serious auto accident on the way back from a vacation with a friend.
Cliff (who I still call Skippy) is now struggling to keep his house from being foreclosed so that he can take care of the children he adores. They are quite young (about 13 & 11?) and have lost their grandmother, their uncle and aunt, and now their mother. Cliff is doing everything he can to keep everything together and he is a wonderful devoted father as he was a wonderful devoted son. The problem is he is not employed and is having a real struggle trying to find work.
SO Labrador people - if anyone knows of an available job in the Downingtown PA area - Cliff will do anything and is a hard worker, Besides that, if anyone feels the urge to help this family, you can send contributions made out to Clifford Clarke and sent to me. I will see to it that everything reaches him with the name and address of whomever sends help. Cliff has no idea I'm writing this - I am just so struck by the tragedy that has befallen this family I felt I had to appeal to all of you.

Re: Joan Clarke's family

What is his field or past experience? That may help folks, and may jar a few of my brain cells about contacts, too. Check with the CAvalier folks, too.

Re: Joan Clarke's family

This is so sad. I will be sending a small contribution. Have you checked into "take the lead"? Maybe they will be able to help.

Re: Joan Clarke's family

Who and where is Take the Lead?

Re: Joan Clarke's family

This is so very sad. Here is the link to Take the Lead.