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Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

I have a 2+ year old male in a run next to the girls (he has 1 girl in with him as well). My problem is that he somehow starts making a little a hole in the chain link fence & then pushes his way through it so it is a large hole & he gets into the girls run. I have a steel bar weaved through the bottom link & it is then clamped & screwed to the bottom rail. Can anyone suggest a stronger solution to the bottom of the fencing. My husband was thinking about putting stainless steel plates across it, but I am worried about the dogs ripping up their feet, bodies.

Re: Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

Your male should be in your house. He should not be running in with or next to girls that are cycling in and out of season. Speak to you Vet about that.

Re: Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

Put up a hot wire. It has an intermitent pulsation and won't hurt him. They only hit it once or twice and then remember.

You can get a cheap one at Ttactor Supply (TSC), and it's easy to install.

Re: Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

Lori I agree with the suggestion of a hot wire... unfortunately once a dog has his mind set on something and has been successful, it is difficult to change the pattern. A hot wire may be your only choice and is very effective.

I sure do sympathise with you over this. It is a difficult and frustrating situation. Years ago, when we had our dogs outside in separate runs during the day, we ran into similar issues. Once dogs decide they want out of an area (or into another area) it is hard to get their minds on anything else. Now, with fewer dogs who spend most of their day in the house we don't have that problem anymore but I definitely remember feeling very frustrated and hopeless. I hope you are able to find a solution that works well for you - good luck.

Re: Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

When we brought home our chocolate boy, I borrowed a chain link kennel from a neighbor. This was going to be a temporary situation until I could get another kennel. When I came home from work, the chocolate boy was out of his kennel. He had pulled so much on the
bottom links of the kennel that they were stretched out so that he was able to escape. I would pull them back into shape and zip-tied them in place. Next day, same thing. He did this for 4 days. He was so BUSY pulling on the links that he wore notches in his tooth enamel! I finally had it and went to my local feed supply and bought a Magnum welded kennel by Behlen. No more pulling or escaping.

Re: Problem with male barging through fencing, HELP!

I sympathize with you as well, some boys just have a strong drive.
I have an 11 year old male that at 2 years old destroyed his teeth on chain link outside and crates inside, nothing we put him in would hold him. If there was a girl in heat out in the kennel runs and he was in the house he would destroy the door jam if he thought we weren't looking.

Only solution to this was keep him with me at all times in the house and when he was put outside he was put on a pulley run on the opposite side of the yard. Now that he is older he does not worry himself so bad but to late for his teeth.

as far as your kennel fencing, you will have to reinforce it with a welded livestock fence, you can buy 16 x 4 panels at most animal supply stores. have your husband bury it about a foot down and attach it to your chain link panel.

good luck.