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Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Is there a site where to see the catalog?

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

WD was Wit's End Jacks Or Better at Blackwing
WB was Blackwing Izzy
Best of Breed was a bitch shown by Fabian (sorry, don't know the name) - someone please fill in
Best of Opp was Blackwing Superfine.

Congrats to Mike and Lenore Hamilton on WD with their Big son, WB with their Big daughter and Best Opposite. What a day!!! Wish we were there to celebrate with you.

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

BOB - Donna

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Congratulations Mike & Lenore, What a great day. They are beautiful.

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Congrats to Fabian and Mary. I figured it was that beautiful girl! Wow, what a lineup!

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Huge Congrats to Mary, Michael & Fabian on Donna's great win (Beechcrofts Bella Donna Thriller).

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

And Sweeps ?

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Best in Sweeps was Fortune's Blueprint, out of 9-12 black puppy dogs and Best Opp was a Hyspire puppy also out of 9-12 black (sorry- don't have the name). These two also went on to Best Puppy and Best Opp Puppy too!! Great day for these folks!

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Where can I find the full results ?

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Full Results are usually available on the club website a few weeks after the show. As the Piedmont LRC is their own superintendent, some very willing club member puts all the official results together and they get posted on the club website. You'll have to wait a little bit for full results...

I do not believe a full catalog is available online, so you would have to either go to the show, know someone that went to the show, or contact the club to purchase a catalog (if any are still available).

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Obedience results?

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Whoooohoooo!!! BIG congrats to Mike and Lenore and Fabian and Mary!!!

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Big Congrats to the Hamiltons on the Big Wins. Stay up there on Cloud Nine for a while, it couldn't happen to nicer people.

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Huge congrats to Jim & Elizabeth Bowron on taking Best Puppy, BISweeps, WD/BOW and BOB with Fortune's Blueprint, their Booper son from the 9-12 class! He looked stunning.

Congrats too to Mike and Lenore Hamilton on their spectacular weekend, WD, WB, BOW, BOS!

Congrats to Vonnie, Judy and Lisa on their BISweeps on Sunday with Hyspire Pedal To The Metal from the 6-9 black bitch class.

Mary & Fabian, Donna looked great and shone in that tough competition - Congrats on her BISS. :-)

Congrats all. Beautiful puppies who are raising the bar for us all. Well done!

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Yes, I second all the other person above said. What a great show. Beautiful dogs. The blacks were outstanding.

Re: Let the Piedmont results come to us!

Some mistakes here ..... Blueprint was WD but he has never been BOW or BOB. He is indeed a beautiful puppy