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Rear limb lameness in puppy - is it ever "nothing"?

I have a 9 1/2 month old puppy that has never showed any signs of lameness until yesterday. There was a lot more activity than usual but we are usually pretty active anyway. Puppy came up moderately lame last evening after resting for a few hours. This morning seems about 90%. I will schedule films for this week.

Has anyone had a young dog come up pretty lame in the rear and had it NOT be something serious ie OCD hock, stifle, bad hips, cruciate tear????

I've had some bad luck and despite loving this sport (and the friends I've made) this will end my breeding and showing for a long time if not forever.


Re: Rear limb lameness in puppy - is it ever "nothing"?

My 10 month old girl would not put any weight on her rear right leg, I was sure she had a tear. It was late Sunday evening, Monday morning she was bettter,
film no problem. She just over did it! In 30 years
there have been a number of "it is just sore" no different than us over-doing it. Always better to be safe, just get two opinions before you would let any
one operate!

Re: Rear limb lameness in puppy - is it ever "nothing"?

I'm very sorry you feel like this would end your breeding and showing. This is not a sport for the faint of heart or weak.
The reason successful breeders run on a good number of dogs (10-20 is pretty average) is because of things JUST like this.
A word to the wise, don't base your entire future on one puppy, you will end up disappointed 99% of the time.
I know you didn't ask for my advice or input but by making the statement you did, you opened the door.

As for the lameness, yes I've seen it be nothing but more times than not, it's something. Could be injury, could be genetic issue. Time and xrays will tell. Good luck to you.


I've had some bad luck and despite loving this sport (and the friends I've made) this will end my breeding and showing for a long time if not forever.


Re: Rear limb lameness in puppy - is it ever "nothing"?

I have a 13 month old 7 months she was lame in the left rear.....I had her x-rayed and checked out every which way (to include Sunday) and spent close to $1000. This continued off and on for about 4 months...then suddenly nothing.

Original dianogsis was Pano because everything else was ruled out. She moves like a dream now.

So, can turn out to be nothing. But as previously mentioned, more times than not, it is something.

Re: Rear limb lameness in puppy - is it ever "nothing"?

Lyme disease