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Viability Rate of Chilled Semen

Once the collection is done, chilled and shipped, how fast does the viability rate go down?

Re: Viability Rate of Chilled Semen

There isn't really an straightforward answer to your question, it depends on the extender used, temperature the shipment is kept at, and even the dog's semen in particular. Some dogs ship well with one extender over the other, and some dogs semen holds up better shipping than others. Many variables to your question.

Re: Viability Rate of Chilled Semen

Hi....from NY! Totally agree w/ the first poster. I prefer minitube. My Noah lasts 7 days in 5 day extender at 70%. I've not used the 10 day so can't say w/ that. I just shipped in semen from a boy w/ synbiotics(it's what they use) and it was fedex overnight and motility was only about 45/50%. Fresh chilled should be way higher than this. So I say this boy didn't extend well w/this extender. I let his owner know.