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Ingen soon to follow?

Texas A&M University has thrown in the towel, No doubt, Ingen is soon to follow...

Re: Ingen soon to follow?


Re: Ingen soon to follow?

I'm feeling very sour on all of this. I have to wonder if, financial markets being otherwise, if Texas would have thrown in the towel. Many universities lost part of their endowments, etc.

I am not inclined to even do my eye clearances with a party of that suit at the moment. It is not the same thing, I know, but I feel as though we are not so much being helped as being used to make one corporation wealthy with a monopoly when genomes are soon to be very public.

AKC had better NEVER register cloned dogs, or those corporations will have finished ruining this for the hobby breeder.

Mostly just emoting at the moment.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

I remember a time in another industry when a company tried to lock down their market share by suing any competitors.

Those in data processing will remember when Microsoft claimed to be the only ones who could legally license MS-DOS for desktop systems. Along came Compaq with their own version of MS-DOS, which could also run all Windows programs. Microsoft filed suit to crush them, but Compaq fought back and proved legally their MS-DOS system was their own creation. Microsoft did lose and Compaq went on their merry way.

Ingen may have lost a legal skirmish, but that does not mean the legal war is over necessarily, even in a David verses Goliath situation.

I say stay tuned for the final outcome.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

I just wish ingen would either finish our tests or refund our money. Most have been waiting since August with no replies to emails or anything, its just not right. Rick Dobbins needs to get his act together and do the right thing one way or the other.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

You can't compare Microsoft and Compaq to this situation. Compaq had their own version whereas Ingen infringed on all the years of hard work it took Optigen to come up with a test.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

There are reasons this country has patent laws. It's to protect the companies that invested their $$$ into developing something. Of course, another company can come along and offer a test for less when they don't have the research and development costs. I do not and will not trust Ingen results. Any PRA carrier I have will not be bred to an Ingen clear dog.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

Exactly. It is also easier to offer a lower price when you do not provide the same level of quality and service. Caveat emptor, we often get exactly what we pay for.

Re: Ingen soon to follow?

not a fact. If Ingen had been legally proven to have stolen Optigen's work and used it for itself, Ingen would have been shut down immediately.

It actually is very much like the Microsoft verses Compaq situation, where one company claims there was only one scientific way their operating system could work, and so any other company which developed an operating system which could run the same programs, had to be using "their" operating system and code.

The beauty of science is that not all problems have to be solved using the same techniques. Two inventors, be they computer scientists or biologists, came come to a solution to a problem using two entirely different methodologies, and yet both solutions can be viable and work.

Once again, I don't think this is over yet. I do agree though that Ingen should be responding to its customers going back to August. That's not the legal problems, that's customer service, pure, plain & simple.