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This might be a no, no. If so I'll put my head between my tail and be gone. (and this is hard to do at my age) I'm looking for a person to build me a website.

Re: Website

Your best bet is to find some other Lab breeders' sites that you like, then find out who did theirs.

Re: Website

Go to, build your own, very easy and best of all of it, english speaking reps to help you!

Re: Website

Thank you so much for your help.

Re: Website

Linda, FYI, I called register. com every day for 2 weeks asking them for help, they are great, give it a try, for the price, you cant beat it. All other companies i tried were impossible to get phone support from as they were out of the country and couldnt understand a word i said lol.
Good luck!

Re: Website

This might be a no, no. If so I'll put my head between my tail and be gone. (and this is hard to do at my age) I'm looking for a person to build me a website.

Linda, if you include your email address in a post, the breeders that are webmasters-webmistress' for others could contact you privately. I personally don't see anything wrong with that.

Jill has built some lovely sites in the past including her own. Maybe you could contact her for referrals to other breeder-webmaster-webmistress' that she recommends. I haven't seen any new sites of hers in the past few years.

Whomever you use, take a good look at their portfolio of sites that are complete. Find out how much they charge for upgrades as well as building a *?* size & page site. Prices and skill vary tremendously.

Purchasing your domain is the easy part. Getting photos, clearances, pedigrees & more of your dogs ready for the webmaster-webmistress doing your site can be a big a job for you.

Re: Website

I know there are many Lab people who do a wonderful job designing websites for others. Before I became involved with Labs and knew of these people, I decided I wanted a website. Someone suggested They provide templates and you just design your pages with your content and photos using their templates. They do offer a free 60 day trial. I am totally computer illiterate and it is very easy. When I have had problems, they have been very helpful. They are located in Canada, so I have never called them, but they are very responsive by email.