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question for a friend

a friend of mine had a bitch go into whelp at 54 days. csection required - all but two didn't pull thru. by the end of her drive home- one of the two died. and the last one died this morning. In her grief, i'm posting for her.
Her concerns are her bitch with milk. What is the fastest, safest way to dry up her milk so she doesn't get mastitis?
Looking for any tips and advice anyone can offer.

Thanks in advance

Re: question for a friend

I believe the bitch was septic, plus had the section, I imagine she's on antibiotics, which will help. Additionally, how much milk would she actually have, at only 54 days and hardly any being produced due to a litter nursing? Is she concerned that there's a lot?

Re: question for a friend

54 days from ovulation or from breeding date? Anecdotally she may dry up quickly with a 24 hour fast plus benadryl for a few days (alternate to the fast- 12 hour fast then 1/2 meals for another day). **** IF the bitch is sick I would not recommend to fast her. I agree with the poster who asked how much milk she actual has?