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Independent Specialties & the National


I know our National is held every October. Are there any "rules" by the parent club concerning how many days before or after our National that regional clubs can hold their specialty? I think there is a Specialty the weekend after the National, can you have one the weekend before? I have e-mailed the parent club and have gotten no answers. Thanks!

Re: Independent Specialties & the National

I believe you have to get permission from the LRC before you are allowed to hold a specialty. The club reserves specific dates every yearfor the National. They are notoriously difficult to communicate with. I'm not sure why. Good luck.

Re: Independent Specialties & the National

You need to contact the regional LRC person for your area to get permission to hold a specialty. For example, in our area, clubs contact Barb Holl.

Where are you located?

Re: Independent Specialties & the National

I know that you need to contact your regional rep and get permission to hold a specialty every year as we currently do this for our annual show. I contacted our rep over three weeks ago and have gotten no response, actually tried a couple of different ways. Anyways, I just seem to remember someone saying years back when we were looking for open dates that the parent club does not allow regional specialties within so many days of the National. I just didn't know if this was true or a "rumor". Just thought I would pose the question to the forum to see if anyone knew the answer.

Re: Independent Specialties & the National

You don't say what time zone you live in.
The LRC does reserve weeks 40 and 41 for the National. They are however encouraging specialty clubs in the area where the National will be held, to participate in not just the National itself but also are open to working with those clubs who may have an interest in holding a back to back show in conjunction with the National. FMI - contact your area Time Zone Rep or the LRC club secretary, Mary Feazell.

Re: Independent Specialties & the National


I know our National is held every October. Are there any "rules" by the parent club concerning how many days before or after our National that regional clubs can hold their specialty? I think there is a Specialty the weekend after the National, can you have one the weekend before? I have e-mailed the parent club and have gotten no answers. Thanks!

The fact that you got no response from the parent club will not come as a surprise to most of us who have tried to deal with them in the past. You should hear the war stories from show chairs around the country when they talk about simple stuff,like getting parent club approval sent to the AKC so their show can be approved - every year.

BTW - they will not approve anyone having a specialty in week 40, so don't even try.

Re: Independent Specialties & the National

The Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. does not want the reputation of being unresponsive. 'Showoff' has not told us what time zone they are from, so we have been unable address the lack of communication.

Claire is correct in saying that LRC, Inc. is encouraging local Specialty Clubs to consider holding back to back show(s) when the National Events week is scheduled in their area. These shows may not conflict with any of the LRC, Inc. events.