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Just curious if fenbendazole (panacur) would be a good all around wormer. My vet is always like bring in a fecals, hello it gets costly when you have a bunch of dogs.

Re: wormer

search this forum for panaucr and safe guard ( same thing)
you will find tons of post discussing use and dosages.

Re: wormer

I have not used this but use Strongid T (Pyrantal Pamoate) for my dogs and litters. I never hear much mention of that on the forum - is there a reason others do not use this to deworm litters?

Re: wormer

Strongid T (Pyrantal Pamoate) is the regularly used wormer by vets. If you have gotten to the point of resistance, then switch to Panacur. Strongid needs 2 doses 18-21 days apart to be effective, and that's where people fail. By missing that second dose over and over, they create resistance. Panacur is given 3-5 consecutive days, so the chances to forget are minimized.
The difference in the dosing is that Strongid does not kill eggs while Panacur does. The second dose of Strongid target the worms that were eggs 18-21 days before, but have not reproduced. If you miss the second dose, the worms reproduce y you start an active infestation again.

Re: wormer

Thank you so much for that excellent information! That is very helpful to know.