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Carpet found!

I was curious as to why and who would have stolen the velvet like carpet from our local Goodwill store. Mystery solved, i saw one of the judges wearing it as a dress tonight.

Re: Carpet found!

No, no, no! That wasn't carpet! Those were the draperies from her hotel room! Too funny, because that's what I said to my husband when I saw the judge in the ring! "Honey, she forgot her dress so she made due with the drapery from her room!"

Re: Carpet found!

I saw that and thought of curtains that my mother had back in the 70's, with the weather proof white backs on them and the little balls around the top. Who would have made that dress and dared her to go out in it?
Good judge but horrible taste in clothes.

Re: Carpet found!

I thought it was classic, not for everyone but she made it work and gave the evening the respect it was
due. Boring world if everyone showed up in glitters
and satin! What a great job she did Judging, I guess
some folks have to say something and it can't be nice
in a nunber of cases. Making fun of people is a great
hobby, laugh at their jokes not at them. Fashion mistake or not we have all made them. I don't do well
with the low cut jean, can you say "muffin top"? See
I am making fun of myself, and I still laughed, try that. I guess this bugs me more than it should, the same thing happens ring side, you would be the same folks that would sit and make fun of everyone and their dogs. Find something good to say. You do not get taller by cutting others down! Just My Worthless

Re: Carpet found!

Ok I do not get it....What Judge? Or What Group

Re: Carpet found!

I also thought it was cruel to pass personal comment on a public forum. We have all at one time "thought" that person doesn't have a mirror at home.
If you must laugh, keep it in your head. Gosh how mean we can be.

Re: Carpet found!

I thought it was fine. Had rather see that than short skirts. She looked her part. And that was not nice.

Re: Carpet found!

Wouls omeone enlighten me and tell me who ist was PLEASE

Re: Carpet found!

It looked like drapes from King Louis bedroom to me!

Re: Carpet found!

The above comments are referring to a Judge at Westminster, specifically the Working Group judge. To each his own..

Re: Carpet found!

I thought considering the event, it was fitting. Have you ever seen some of the outfits on the red carpet? In a world full of vanilla, sometimes we need a little strawberry.