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doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

I usually do relaxin pregnancy tests but changed Vets to someone I really think is extremely on it. He suggested an ultrasound and says she is pregnant and hears at least 2 or maybe 3 heart beats. He also says that these English Labs are very thick so it might be more but he sees a small litter. How acurate is this? Could there be more? Should I err on the 2 pup side and schedule a c-section because of such a small litter? TIA

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

On my very thick girl and the vet that always does a great job or close to the right number on US said humm small maybe 4. Then we did an xray at 7 weeks in because i thought she was even thicker than her normal self. She said yeah i think 6 or 7. Started delivering and 10 puppies later i was not so sure what to think. Like i said she has always been with in a puppy or so.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

Geez, Maybe I should be expecting more? It is my 1st Lab pregnancy with him and he did manage to help me get her pregnant with shipped semen.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

what about an US on day 30 and see zero, anyone ever have any?

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

Yes, in small breeds with long torso. (Cesky Terriers, who also show negative on relaxin tests and US and then have two or three puppies!)

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

I always have more than the ultra sound shows. I usually do about day 32.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

Before I decided on a C-section I'd do an x-ray about 5 days before her due date so you have a more accurate headcount.

Ultra sounds are great to confirm pregnancy but I wouldnt' rely on one for numbers.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

Yes, I had a false negative on US with a singleton liter. Fortunately, my co-owner was observant and let me know she thought she was pregnant about a week before the due date, at which time we X-rayed and discovered one little skeleton. After that I switched to the Relaxin tests, but my vet no longer carries it, and I have too few litters to make it cost-effective to buy it myself. So tomorrow we go for an ultrasound. Wish us luck.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

What is the going rate for the Relaxin test everyone is using?

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

5 tests are 100

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

But isn't the shelf life limited- something like 6 months? If you have a litter every year or two, it's cheaper to ultrasound.

Re: doing an ultra sound on a 34 day pregnant, maiden female

Sorry for the stupid question but what is Relaxin tests and where can you buy them??