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Stop Peeing????

Please give me some ideas how to train my 7 month old Lab to stop peeing in the house.
I have caught her and she knows she should not do it but she goes to her bowl and drinks then pees in almost the same spot each time.
We have a doggie door which she knows how to use and comes in and out and drinks outside too.
I have to stop this because the spouse is going nuts cause we have new'd think it was ME who peed he gets so mad. lol


Re: Stop Peeing????

Your key is that she goes in the same spot. You have to remove the smell from that spot. I first suck up the pee with my carpet cleaner and use cleaning solution that totally removes the smell. If you do not suck up pee with carpet cleaner, the pee smell stays forever in the underpad.

If the pee smell is in the underpad, you need to pour smell removal stuff from pet stores on the area and leave sit for about 6 hours and then carpet clean. I do not remember the name of the best kinds of smell remover - I'm sure someone here knows.

I'd get the smell out and then not let her in that area for several weeks - crate her when she's not being monitored.

My 7 month old is still crated a lot. I find whenever people have puppy trouble, they are giving pup too much freedom.

Re: Stop Peeing????

I agree with last poster, crate train, too much freedom and they do not learn control. Pet doors can be great but not during the house breaking stage. You need to take them out and let them know what a good pup they are. Good luck!

Re: Stop Peeing????

Go back to square 1. You have given her too much freedom, she must earn space. Use baby gates, USE HER CRATE , short periods w/supervision only. And use a bell to ring when she is to go out.

Re: Stop Peeing????

I agree with all of the above, but would add always going out with her and praising her outside!

Re: Stop Peeing???? IT's Working!!!

Thank you all!!
I'd love to know more about the bell though????

Re: Stop Peeing???? IT's Working!!!

I agree with the above.

Baking soda works great for the odor. Clean the spot, let it dry and sprinkle BS on and let sit for 8 plus hours and than vacuume up.