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puppie birthday

I have a question. I just had a bitch deliver a litter. First pup was born just before midnight, the rest of the litter after midnight so a different day. Which day are you supposed to use as the birthday to register the litter?
Do you go by when the first pup arrives or when the majority of the litter arrives?
I always thought when the majority of the litter arrives but i have been questioned on that and i can't find an akc rule if there even is one.
What do the rest of you do?

Re: puppie birthday

Check your calendar for any upcoming shows within the next 6 months and make sure that these puppies were born on a day that makes them 6 months old on that show. Seriously, it doesn't really make much difference what day you want to put down as their birthday whether it be the day the first puppy was born, the majority of the litter was born, or a few days within that show 6 months from now.

Re: puppie birthday

I choose the date that the most of the litter was born on. Or if you like eg. July 4th instead of July 3 pick that date. I am to be sure that some puppies were born on the date chosen though. :)

Re: puppie birthday

I always mark the birthday as the day the first puppy is born.

Re: puppie birthday

I had a situation like this where 6 pups were born on February 14th, and the 7th and last little girl was born in the wee hours of the 15th. Registered the litter with the 14th as the DOB. Just seemed to make sense (or at least be the lesser of two evils.)

Re: puppie birthday

I know of a set of human twins, one was born right before midnight, the other right after. They are identical twins with a different "Birth" day. Kinda cool for the twins when they get older.