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Clipping puppy canines - overbite

I'm torn on which I need to have done with an 8 week old puppy. Pup has an overbite, not a parrot mouth. Lower canines are hitting the roof of the mouth. Vet wants me to have lower canines extracted, but I hate putting a baby pup under for this. Wondering about clipping them?

Re: Clipping puppy canines - overbite

I've had 2 overbites in my time of breeding - one was base narrow and one was not. both overbites, neither a true parrot mouth. I had one puppy's canines clipped and the other nothing.

Puppy that was clipped -they were not puncturing the palette, but they were touching it. my vet stated that he would NEVER pull puppy canines. based on his research and his beliefs that those canines should remain in for support. That puppy we clipped at 12 weeks of age (he refuses to put them under until that age)- when the adults came in- and he was over a year old- nothing needed to be done further.
Puppy that was not clipped- his was not base narrow. his puppy canines fell out , adult canines came in - and they matched to the outside-...nothing needed to be done for him either.

I am a believer that they could very well correct themselves without intervention. but clipping the one was appropriate at that time ,because they did hit the roof of his mouth. I don't know if they would have been fine had we left them, but i opted to do his at that time.
you can email me privately if you want more info. But otherwise, best of luck

Re: Clipping puppy canines - overbite

My 7 mo had an overbite at 8 weeks, was told I should pull them. Went in at 10 weeks to have pulled and bite was perfect. (Yes, I felt dumb, had not been watching bite closely myself).
Anyway, her bite has stayed perfect so far.

Re: Clipping puppy canines - overbite

Have had overbites three times... all three times it corrected itself by 6 months old, one to a scissor bite the other at least the canines were tracking correctly. I say leave it unless there are ulcers in the roof of the mouth.