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Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

In your experience.. do bitches with 10 or more puppies tend to deliver early? What is the typical time frame..60 days..what? I need to get my work schedule arranged and this bitch has a very large litter in there. Going for an Xray next week.. she has twelve days left and doesn't appear to have any more room left in there!

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

Mine went at 59 days. Had 11, all just about a pound.

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

Mine went at day 60. 3 days early. 12 puppies.

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

The only bitch that ever "went early" on me was the one who had only 3-5 pups per litter. She went early every time. All normal sized pups. Go figure!

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

10, 11, 12 pups day 63, 61, 60.

As a mom, the 3 of mine over 10 lbs - 2 late and 1 early :) and I'm petite. Don't ask your girl, she'll beg to go early

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

I had 12 once, she went 63 days from ovulation. 11 another time and was 62 days from ovulation. If you know when they ovulated, plan on 63 days from that.

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

I really don't think it make a difference on how many pups. I have a girl
she comes on day 59 everytime. She had 11 on time and this time 6. I have another girl that always has 11 to 12 pups and she is always at day 62.

Re: Do bitches pregnant with large litters "go early"

I had a bitch that had 4 beautiful big litters for me, the first litter she had 10 and went on day 59. We thought that she would continue to go early like that but her next three litters were all between 10 and 11 and she held out one of her litters to day 63, one to day 62 and one to day 61.