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Heat Cycle

I was wondering if anyone has had something similar happen with their bitches heat cycles. About 3 weeks ago one of my boys started humping a girl of mine, which i then thought she was coming into heat. I swabbed her and got a brownish red stain, which i have gotten before before they really start bleeding. usually 5 to 7 days later i see real blood. This bitch waited 3 weeks to start bleeding, so my question is do you think she may have been in heat the whole time. I took her in today and they did a cytology and said there were quite a few cells cornified and also pulled a progesterone test which i will have back tomorrow. I am just worried that whatever it comes back, if she already went up and is coming down. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Heat Cycle

Ive had that happen. It's not a heat yet. Day 1 is when you see blood as you see now. In fact, I've had that happen numerous times. Good Luck!

Re: Heat Cycle

I just had that happen with one of my girls also, saw a small blood drop and did a swab, light red/brown stain and nothing more for 3 1/2 wks now. No interest from the boys. She is due to come into season this month. I have been watching her closely since early last month waitng for her to come into season so couldn't have missed anything prior to that small blood drop.

Re: Heat Cycle

The progesterone won't come back down, not for a long, long time. So don't worry about catching it coming back down. Won't go back under 5 again until she's close to delivering.
Good luck.

Re: Heat Cycle

Thanks so much. Anne, I know if she is bred the progesterone doesn't come down until she is ready to deliver, but what if say she wasn't bred, then how long does it take for their progesterone to come down after they come into season. Also, took her in on Thursday for a progesterone test and she was only a 0.2. He had saw a good amount of cornified cells on the cytology, which made me run a test, and was surprised that it was so low. I will test again on Monday or Tuesday.