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The best time to do AI?

How high is the bitch´s progesterone when you do the first AI with fresh semen? And how often do you do AI?
Also does the "amount" of semen that is collected have anything to do with the breeding being successful?

My bitch´s prog.test results was 10 on Monday. We did AI the next day on Tuesday and on Wednesday. Should I do one more?

Re: The best time to do AI?

I would expect with a 10 on Monday that she ovulated on Sunday so the absolute end of where I would breed her would have been bright and early yesterday.

Re: The best time to do AI?

How high is the bitch´s progesterone when you do the first AI with fresh semen? And how often do you do AI?
Also does the "amount" of semen that is collected have anything to do with the breeding being successful?

My bitch´s prog.test results was 10 on Monday. We did AI the next day on Tuesday and on Wednesday. Should I do one more?

It's the quality of the semen, not the quantity. Did you spin it down or do anything except collect all of the ejaculate? Do you take a look under a microscope to make sure the swimmers looked healthy?

Your timing sounds okay. You could do another AI if it's easy enough but she's probably covered.

Re: The best time to do AI?

Is that the case, that because she was 10 on Monday that she ovulated on Sunday? Is that the normality of the bitches cyckle? Could she have ovulated on Saturday? Thursday before, that is 5 days prior to Monday testing, her prog.test results was 0.9...
I would love to get answers since I am newbie in this and just learning about doing AI

Re: The best time to do AI?

How high is the bitch´s progesterone when you do the first AI with fresh semen? And how often do you do AI?
Also does the "amount" of semen that is collected have anything to do with the breeding being successful?

My bitch´s prog.test results was 10 on Monday. We did AI the next day on Tuesday and on Wednesday. Should I do one more?

It's the quality of the semen, not the quantity. Did you spin it down or do anything except collect all of the ejaculate? Do you take a look under a microscope to make sure the swimmers looked healthy?

Your timing sounds okay. You could do another AI if it's easy enough but she's probably covered.

Yes we looked at the quality of the semen under microscope and there where healhty swimmers