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Advice wanted, female leaking urine

We have a 5 yr old female that has been linking urine for her entire life. Our vet has had her on antibiotics numerous times, it stops her leaking but starts again as soon as she's off the medicine. He even did a culture to give her the right antibiotic. Has anyone ever dealt with this problem and if so what have you done to correct the problem? TIA

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

Have you ruled out the possibility of an Ectopic Ureter or vaginal stricture?

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

Is she intact or spayed?

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

If your girl is spayed the leaking could be an estrogen deficient urinary incontinence. If so ask your Vet about trying her on Proin (Phenylpropanolamine)

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

She is intact. Our vet ran dye through her, took pictures and it showed no leakage. Maybe she should have an ultrasound done by a specialist? Maybe I should try the med suggested but since she is intact would it be a hormone issue. I truly an beside myself about what to do. Thanks so much for your replies.

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

You need to have a sonogram done. Probably a lesion on the bladder wall- may or may not be cancerous, but a short round of antibiotic, even with a culture won't do it. I had my girl on almost a year of antibiotic before it resolved- just kept checking with the sonogram.

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

Thank you very much !! When the weather clears up a bit I will have a sonogram done on her. I will probably have to travel to get it done properly so will wait till closer to Spring.

Re: Advice wanted, female leaking urine

In the meantime, just keep her on the meds. I think it took around 7 months to clear in my girl's case, and that was after three or four bounce backs over 2 years time.
The lesions look like a mushroom on a stem if it's a tumor, but just like a rough patch on the inside bladder wall if it's not a tumor, so we just kept checking it every 6 weeks until it was gone.