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Greasy Pro-Plan Performance

I just opened a bag that I just purchased of ProPlan Performance and it's greasy! It clumps together and just feels really greasy. I went and opened the other bag I bought at the same time and it was the same way. I had to feed it this morning as I was out of food, but I'm taking it back to the store I purchased it from.

Anyone see greasy ProPlan before?

Re: Greasy Pro-Plan Performance

Yes people were reporting this on the Purina page on FB.. I suggest that you call the 800 number ASAP.

Re: Greasy Pro-Plan Performance

Usually when a food is greasy and clumps together it simply means the food cooled to fast. The fats (pallatants and preservatives) are spayed onto the kibble at the very end of manufacturing. The product has to cool at a slow consistent rate so the fat soaks into the food appropriately. If it cools to fast more fat is on the outside of the kibble than there should be so you see a very greasy kibble which sticks together, especially if stored in a cold room. This is more likely to happen in winter months as it's harder to keep temperatures consistent when it's so cold outside. I don't work for ProPlan so I can't speak for them and I recommend following up with them for their answer. But, working for a pet food company I have seen this exact thing happen and the food still feeds just fine. It's to be expected the whole batch is affected and you are not the only one who purchased bags of product that are greasy and clumping. If you return the product be sure and look for bags with a different best buy date code.

Re: Greasy Pro-Plan Performance

Christina T
Yes people were reporting this on the Purina page on FB.. I suggest that you call the 800 number ASAP.

What and where is FB? Thanks!

Re: Greasy Pro-Plan Performance

Purina Pro Plan for Professionals!/PurinaProPlanforProfessionals

post about the greasy food was from February 8 at 7:48am