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Are Handling Seminars Worth It?


There is a handling seminar coming up that I am thinking about attending. I have attened handling classes, which are more for the dogs benefit, but really do not teach you HOW to show, just simulate an actual show. What are your opinions? Is the seminar worth the trip and expense?
Thank you,

Re: Are Handling Seminars Worth It?

They certainly can be. Some instructors are better than others. Some students are better than others. A lot depends on the combination of student/instructor.

Re: Are Handling Seminars Worth It?

this is true, the instructor is pretty accomplished, the student would be me....a Newbie with a capital N!

Thank you so much for your reply,

Re: Are Handling Seminars Worth It?

this is true, the instructor is pretty accomplished, the student would be me....a Newbie with a capital N!

Thank you so much for your reply,

Given the opportunity to go to a seminar with an accomplished handler I would think it's well worth it.

I hope you get much out of it. Please post after you attend if possible, so others know what to do when presented with a similar opportuntiy. We all have things to learn no matter how long we're in the breed.