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Potential Breeding Bitch

Have a 7 month old bitch that is short(1+ inch) of standard. Not sure if we should breed/keep her even though litter mates are well within standard. Great coat, head, etc., but concerned with height.

Re: Potential Breeding Bitch

Get to know the blood lines and history of their growth. We would never rule out any pups due to height at 7 months. We've had Girls just reach the standard at 2 years of age!

Re: Potential Breeding Bitch

I have a bitch that is just within the american standard. She's had two litters so far and all her pups are much bigger/substantial than she is.

Re: Potential Breeding Bitch

And even if she is under the height standard when she is a full grown adult, doesn't mean she won't be a good producer.

I personally would hold on to her, do clearances at the proper age, have a litter, and if she doesn't produce well, then place her out. But if everything is nice with her and pedigree is nice, you might be pleasantly surprised at what you end up with.

Re: Potential Breeding Bitch

My foundation bitch was at the lowest end of the standard. Whenever I showed her she was mid-sized compared to the other bitches in the ring, especially at specialties! So I would hang onto her.